New Book Releases

Four NEW Book realeases by Joseph Ahlman: Lost Marbles, Being Different, You Don't Scare Me Dad, & Chameleon on the Glass.

All available in Two Full Color Versions. For more details visit:

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kingdom Come

Why do we postpone paradise

As far distant reward?

Is heaven but geography

Prime real estate to hoard?

Is it but gilded mansions

Leisure, or bliss on tap?

This sound a lot like worldliness

A selfish greed stopgap

Is it associations 

With famed, celestial souls?

The upper crust’s immortal caste

Despising those below?

It sounds much like the earth

With its inequity transposed

To live eternal in this state

Seems less than grandiose

What is the hidden treasure?

What do we hope to gain?

Is it not pure unfettered love

Which we wish to attain?

Is Deity so distant 

From hearts with like affection?

Is not the kingdom within us

As we achieve perfection?

If we refine soul here and now

We enter in the gate

Our recompense is instant

And there is no need to wait

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Pen

To yearn is to breathe

By drawing in life

So feeds the quill

Returning more

In her exhale

The berthing of poets

Wedged between the press

Alone they bleed the ink 

By pain and force of could be

Forlorn against the wall of is

The world its lumen gives

Though focus blurs the whole 

So verse, while trite, hath pollen for perception

A thought, a rose, plucked from a bush

Then placed in vase, as mind

This voice

A ping resounding

Off fellow souls

Whispers through the dark

I am not alone