New Book Releases

Four NEW Book realeases by Joseph Ahlman: Lost Marbles, Being Different, You Don't Scare Me Dad, & Chameleon on the Glass.

All available in Two Full Color Versions. For more details visit:

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Sunday, January 30, 2011


“I am”

Is self-awareness

The legacy Divine

In sentient similitude

Of Deity enshrined

You ask yourself

“Who am I?”

“How did this come to be?”

By tracing cosmic origin

Derive identity

Unveil the truth of oneness

All comes from the same source

A universal entity

Life emanating force

Revealing Self Eternal

The Olam Unified

We reunite as Family

And cross the great divide

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Expanded Identity

Our universe expands

As we broaden our sense of self

Awareness moves beyond the walls of ego’s

Blinding stealth

Form does not negate oneness

They are the same in fact

Like body’s many members

Holds our entity in tact

Engulf heart, mind, and body

Embrace family and friends

Let love garland the pathway of romance

Unto life’s end

Reach out to your community

In civics self extend

Accepting all humanity

And life forms’ worth defend

Respect our planet Mother Earth

Encompass all creation

Connect with the Divine

And find the numinous relation

Within this universal Self

Identity hold fast

Dissolve mortal illusion

And release it as ballast

So worship in this sanctum

Of the temple Self divine

I Am the Holy Presence

Face to face within the mind

To know as we are known

To see as we are seen

As the eyes of the universe

Heirs of eternal being

Sunday, January 16, 2011


The flame of our enlightenment

Is lit by many means

As lightning strike or rubbing sticks

The same combustion brings

From solar radiation

Focusing through lens the light

To chemical reactions

All a fire can ignite

So too a soul is quickened

By variety of things

Through logic and philosophy

Ethics and empathy

Through conscience and humanities

Or sociology

Psychology, religion

Even creativity

By way of mysticism

Or a mix of all of these

Kindles illumination

In the oneness of all being

One’s recipe for fire

Cannot change the valid flame

How we achieve enlightenment

Does not alter the same

The dawning of connection

To the one eternal truth

Is scripted into every life’s

Unique and proven route

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I saw within my mind

The ideal self I hope to be

I also saw that what I was

Had stark deficiency

I calculated how I could

Achieve my noble goal

I made a plan and followed it

With all my heart and soul

According to desire

I began a transformation

From present to potential

Till my dreams found realization

The person I became I found

Had always been ensheathed

The molting of the outer shell

Revealed what’s underneath

All growth begins from the inside

Till past no longer fits

Identity is redefined

And circumstances shift

The butterfly from chrysalis

Emerges with elation

As Providence provided us

The power of self-creation

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Face Value

What is my said face value?

What is the grade of soul?

How does one increase self-worth?

How does heart become whole?

Does it increase with favor

From adulating peers?

And reduce into ruin

When approval disappears?

Is it contained in beauty?

Does it fade with our years?

Is it clad in our clothing?

Then wear out as fashion blears

Is it counted in riches?

Can thieves break through and steal?

Does it lie in vocation?

Can it be fired at will?

Or does it lie beyond all things

That weather, rust, or fade?

Does true self-worth transcend this life

So death cannot degrade?

Is it in possessions?

Are these attached to soul?

And wherein is their ownership

bequeathed when the bell tolls?

Is it in our breeding

Or our nativity?

Is it in our culture?

Is luck a mastery?

Is self-respect in who you know

And not esteem you earn?

Can a starched framed diploma

Circumscribed all one can learn?

Can circumstance define us then

At any point in time?

Or is potential limitless

A self-created prime?