New Book Releases

Four NEW Book realeases by Joseph Ahlman: Lost Marbles, Being Different, You Don't Scare Me Dad, & Chameleon on the Glass.

All available in Two Full Color Versions. For more details visit:

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For the latest info on current projects that Joseph Ahlman is working on visit

Saturday, August 31, 2013

No Relation

A young girl had a crush on me
I really didn't care
For I was into other things
My future to prepare

A stranger tried to befriend me
Mine wasn't a rejection
We simply had no history
So I felt no connection

My parents tried to contact me
But I'm out on my own
I have a life, I'm busy now
Their care I have outgrown

I have a great career ahead
Though sad and all alone
I wish I had found love, a friend
A heart, a clue, a home

But life is what it is I guess
So why make speculation
My state and actions have no link
And so there's no relation

The treasures of the heart
Are quite a difficult assessment
But you can't hope for dividends
When you've made no investment

Saturday, August 24, 2013


The novice was determined
"Everyone, out of my way."
"I'm going to the mountain top,"
"To see God's face today."

He pushed and shoved 
And clawed his way
Passed countless souls
Who caused delay

The needy, the infirm
The old, the child at play
Passed friends, family and strangers
Even a loving maid

And when he reached the summit
His gifts and offerings splayed
Then on his knees all through the night
He prayed, and prayed, and prayed

But God did not appear to him
And so he left dismayed
Tired, parched and weary 
Staggered home from his crusade

The children saw him afar off
They stopped their game and news relayed
First stranger ran to buoy him up
The infirm offered help and aid
The needy brought him food and drink
Reviving him--kindness displayed

Then friends and family arrived
Consoling him and love conveyed
While elders gave wise counsel
The young maid smiled 
Despair was stayed

For as he looked into their eyes 
He saw something Divine pervade

The light shines in the darkness 
The pure in heart shall see 
And know as they are known
As vessels of Divinity

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Where do I run to?
Where can I hide?
From God
From myself
From the emptiness inside

Psyche lost in ego
Battened up with pride
Fig leaf of denial
Blind and selfish guide 

There is far more to you
More than you realize
Walk the path of empathy
See through God's own eyes

Open up the shudders
Eyes adjust to light
There you'll find Self, God, and Love
Everywhere applied

Saturday, August 10, 2013

That Would Be Heaven

Why is life so hard?
Why are things unfair?
Why are some so cruel?
Why so much despair?

What's the purpose?
Where's the justice?
Who will save us?
When will God entrust us with heaven?

Here's what I have garnered

Discomfort propels all progress towards solutions
Incense lights the fire which tempers ethics
Villains coalesce opposing armies against themselves
Sorrow produces humility, earnest, and empathy

Eventually these will produce comfort and security,
Righteous, self-governed individuals,
Unity among the children of light,
And a wise, honest, merciful, and vigilant community

That would be heaven!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

All Things Equal

We're not created equal
Except in these three things
We all cherish life, liberty
And happiness in our being

No power can erase it
Nor break the Divine seal
Inalienable the birthright 
Self-evident and real

We'll fight with our last dying breath
In efforts to retain it
It cannot be trained out of us
Nor can a law restrain it

For it lies at the core of being
The elemental self
Without it we are naught
Possessing no sentient wealth

Thus being equal in these things
Does not make us the same
For each are born with strengths that boost
And deficits that drain

Though empathy can level fields
Towards equal opportunity
It can't guarantee outcomes
For our actions have disparity

For laws of nature must be fixed
And physics clear unbiased
So those that use these rungs to rise
Can have a firm reliance

To exercise their freedom
To bolster up their life
And propagate their happiness
As their God given right