New Book Releases

Four NEW Book realeases by Joseph Ahlman: Lost Marbles, Being Different, You Don't Scare Me Dad, & Chameleon on the Glass.

All available in Two Full Color Versions. For more details visit:

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For the latest info on current projects that Joseph Ahlman is working on visit

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dumb Down

Playing dumb makes you look stupid

A witless trade off, don’t you think?

Trying to escape other’s scrutiny

By proving you lack basic smarts like a gink

Not quite escaping a negative label

Till soon you’re typecast in the part

And since this practice is moronic

You’re not just pretending it seems from the start

You see there’s a link between faking and fool

And a great disconnect between pride and shamed heart

As the fig leaf of lies proves you know right from wrong

Strong the nightmare now brinks on a day dream’s escarp

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Again the pounding

Wakes my heart

Outside the present now

The future probed

A shapeless dark

Absorbing all my query

Drowned in fears

We taste false violence

Both villain and the martyr

The postlude ever after

Unscripted and uncharted

In anechoic silence

In crying or in laughter

Each foot tread

Fueled by heart

This lumen we bring

Our passage lit

Through believing

As with all dreams required

Our spark

For we are carrying the fire

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Today Marks One Full Year of Posting a Poem Everyday


Trying to find the right words

The place and the time. . .

To speak my mind

But silence is art

As the pendulum swings

We chip away time

Words keep me waiting, but never arrive

Yet patience is art

Time is illusive to tell

Words are evasive to spell

Love we describe it as well

As we can

Time will sculpt her own voice

Love will shape and refine

Words that read volumes between the lines

As life becomes art

Time is illusive to tell

Words are evasive to spell

Love we describe it as well

As we can

As the pen becomes mute

I can’t force a rhyme

Till hearts rhythm in . . .

Time is illusive to tell

Words are evasive to spell

Love we describe it as well

As we can

Art is a subtle exhale

Breath draws the ink from the well

God is the author

And we of His hand

Life has no interest in hell

Fear is a lie to dispel

Truth we discover as well

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Prize

A legend speaks

In days of old

To secret maps

Of wealth untold

So many seek

But few have found

The priceless gems

On holy ground

For buried ‘neath

The hearts of greed

Are hidden clues

Beyond their needs

Herein the path

Of wisdom lies

The treasure stands

Before their eyes

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blind Fold


Hiding a smile

Baring of teeth

Wolves among sheep

She peals “betrayed!”


Lies upon lies

Feeding the flame

Flames overheat

He to is scathed


Hand in the fire

Feeling the pain

Scream for release

Real east then face


Signs of the times

Adults can’t read

Hearts start to reek

Recreate waste


Leading the blind

Stalking the prey

Prey on the weak

We cannot save


Line upon line

Sign as the ink

Bleeds through the sheet

She turns the page


Passing of time

Counting the days

Days turn to years

Ye heirs of shame


Mind your own mind

Mine is for me

Sovereign freak

Free climbing fate


Thousands of eyes

Empathy sees

Taming the beast

Be still my rage


Life after life

Beyond the grave

We turn to seed

See distant plains


I am that I

Am that you seek

You are in me

Me in you same

Saturday, September 25, 2010


The true rewards of virtue

Are hidden from pretenders

For those that wish to appear good

Become the worst offenders

They counterfiet the glorious boon

And bring forth no real fruits

Which other see, then disregard

As noble attributes

Friday, September 24, 2010


Its hard to redefine oneself

Harder convincing others

The changes that occur inside

Take time to move life’s rudders

Our circumstance may not show signs

Past history is fixed

Our reputation follows us

Though deeper constructs shift

Name and appearance stay the same

Stimatizations stick

Stereotypes and labels

Are societal habits

Some actions are quite obvious

Yet too, such can be faked

Persona may show subtle change

But protocol is staked

Only the the heart knows its own ilk

The mind its thoughts and frame

Our motive and desires

Are the truth of self the same

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Soul Are Power

One cannot control others

But can treat them as they will

For no one dislikes kindness

And wishes such no ill

Misfortune visits all of us

And chance is an unknown

Yet we know what we want

And can enact works on our own

For set backs of foul weather

And those which thwart the goal

Can frustrate outward progress

But cannot control the soul

Our essence is immutable

It power is like the sun

Giving birth to creation

In the truth of being one

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


All fruit takes time to ripen

As well as rotting meat

Our bad deeds turning putrid

While good deed become sweet

The harm we entertain inside

May take some time to stink

And permeate our habitat

With ruin on the brink

A good seed planted in the heart

Will shoot forth sprouts and leaves

In words and acts, but wont stop there

For then it turns to seed

Which replicates after it’s kind

A bountiful increase

Be careful what you cultivate

For therein you will feast

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Casting Lots

Considering the forces

Which shaped me as I am

By circumstance, society

by chance, and other's hand

Does DNA resigned my fate?

Is this Providence’s plan?

Or was I given power

To create the man I am?

Do I have a say?

Or does life toss the die?

Am I forge through whim or will?

Or cast by lot in life?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Finding Self

I searched at length to find myself

with great anticipation

Yet when we met to my surprise

I did not feel elation

His flaws were quite apparent

For everyone to see

I turned away yet wondered

What the man had thought of me?

Sunday, September 19, 2010


I looked inside the mirror to see

My eye reflect the mirror of me

Reflecting in the mirror reflecting me

Considered I the sense of sight

The source of mind, as well the light

Reflecting as a mirror reflecting me

Arising as the pith of dreams

Projecting in the outer scene

Reflecting in a world reflecting me

While musing in this sense of self

The universe revealed its wealth

Reflecting me in it and it in me

Saturday, September 18, 2010


A gauze of gray knit in a loom

Draped over day that woke too soon

The sun won't play or may it seems without me

Friday, September 17, 2010


How stupid do you have to be

To judge souls by appearance?

For surely any blind man sees

Apparently such ignorance

For as you judge you shall be judge

In superficial haste

Which elevates contentiousness

And unity lays waste

You cannot hide such ugliness

Behind a chic facade?

Or cloak pious corruption

In the vestments of their fraud?

Discard elitist’s hand-me-downs

Of loathing and self-doubt

And stand before God naked

Without pride--your inside out

Do you think God’s impressed by style?

Is He concerned with vogue?

Or does he praise the lilies

Those which toil not or sow?

Is he impressed with shiny things?

Embroidered trims of gold?

Do these bring heaven's favor?

Or a schism to the fold?

Is he enthralled with plainness

And stoic sanctimony?

Which frowns on other envious

Contentment forged and phony?

Do any man-made standards

Improve on His design?

In uniforms, regalia

In rags, or silken twine?

Does he define the soul

And its potential in such things?

Or see in them His image

As a priceless, sentient being?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Playing Dead

All is ruin the paper said

We the people

Lie down and play dead

Up off your asses

And get it through your head

The wakened lead

The blind are lead

Take the PC foot out of your mouth

The power's in your hand

Then rise up on both feet

And stand