Side Effects
The power of placeboes
Trick the mind with some finesse
And yet their healing power
Is the power you possess
Thus those which promise confidence
Transfix the very source
And make self-love dependent
On external fraud endorsed
And thus, in fact, they weaken
The resistance to self-doubt
Creating feeble addicts
Which eat dust to cure their drought
Then real soul sickness deepens
As they won’t address the cause
But focus on the symptoms
While ignoring self-help laws
Some wear a string of gold and bling
Like garlic ‘round the neck
To ward off social vampires
Their weak egos to protect
Some wear sheik clothes like armor
As protection from derision
Some try to buy acceptance
And endorse a class division
Yet these are all illusions
They add nothing to the soul
Don’t buy into snake oils
Or the bane of doubt will grow
For self-respect cannot be earned
By praise received from others
And independent liberty
Is not safety in numbers
For such will leave the weakest
Of the herd to become food
For this social cohesion
Is but selfishness imbued
So disregard the bleat of sheep
Their hype and bray is gas
Heed not such foolish flatulence
Their talking out their ass
By feeding insecurity
You propagate its life
It then becomes a monster
Which will dominate your life
Yet if you starve the monster
You’ll be surprised to find
That you are the beast’s master
Without you it can’t survive
Such are our little demons
These imps deceive the heart
Imaginary monsters
We fear lurking in the dark
Turn on the light--they vanish
Just call their bluff--they fold
Their bite turns to a bark
Then to a whimper fairly droll
Let go--the beast is toothless!
Fear not its feeble wrath
Such collared beasts will drag you down
A dead end prim rose path
Let go of fear --release it!
The leash is in your hand
This monkey on your back
Is but a “kick me” sign to ban
Let go of pride and glory
Let go of airs and caste
Let go of petty vanity
Let go of your ballast
Let go and rise above it
Let go of cool and class
Let go of these placebos
And their shelf life you’ll outlast