The weakling would rescue the damsel
But he isn’t prepared for the task
He must endure pain of conditioning
Before he can conquer at last
Four NEW Book realeases by Joseph Ahlman: Lost Marbles, Being Different, You Don't Scare Me Dad, & Chameleon on the Glass.
All available in Two Full Color Versions. For more details visit: Control
I looked over my shoulder
At the fork in the road
Then tripped over a boulder
And spilled my heavy load
I should have gone the other way
This way is short, I know
But just my luck I second guess
This way each time I go
Next day, I tried the other path
Uphill the going slow
I looked over my shoulder
And fell backwards down the knoll
I always seem to choose the wrong
Remote the chances though
I wish there were another way
To choose and have control
The Enemy
When life brings disappointment
Don’t kick against the pricks
The pain it brings is not caused from the first
Nor can it fix
The pain we add is not the fault
Of that which hurt us first
This simple straight equation
Is two wounds sum up to worse
Such knee jerk daft reactions
Aggravate the situation
Reversals of causation
Only thwart our education
For countless masses
Fall into the same traps day by day
They will not see their enemy
Is self caught in the fray
Spiritual Inertia
A life can change direction
But it’s harder than it sounds
To over come momentum
One must turn their world around
And like the earth’s rotation
We can’t stop on a dime
To reverse our direction
In the end may take some time
We stop the egg from spinning
But the inside has inertia
Which will propel the outside
Once again if by minutia
Small movements of the soul impel
The outer worlds in motion
These minor ripples team
Into large waves within life’s ocean
To stem this tide
We redirect the motive of the heart
Yet time will tell as will our will
To finish what we start
Arithmetic of Will
The agency of free will
Does not tumble like the die
Of aligned falling dominos
For souls don’t act alike
There is no law to circumscribe
The course of human choice
One can’t predict arithmetic of will
Nor have it foist
We all are at the mercy of all souls
For we connect
The universe--a medium
Where cause produce effect
There are no guarantees in life
We are not free from sorrow
We can’t avoid sporadic chance
We can’t foresee the morrow
Despite such truth there is clear proof
We only reap what’s sown
So plow, and weed, and plant the seed
For drought is an unknown
Yet one thing is for sure
There is no harvest for the sloth
Life’s warranty is limited
But hope’s limits we allot
Essential Parts
One day I tried to fix my car
And took apart the engine
I hope too make it faster
And to make it fuel efficient
I put it back together
But a few small parts remained
They didn’t look essential
So I drove it just the same
That night as it was being towed
I realized my error
No part is insignificant
But vital, key, and rare
Who are these beings that skirt the edge
To wrest in fearless love to bless
That reach into the pit of death
And draw out life with their caress
The navel is our seal and crest
True evidence we all connect
Her children rise and call her blessed
New innocence is man at best
The diva cursed her entourage
For not meeting her needs
Her entourage screamed at the help
Who fired employees
Who kicked the dog, who bit the fan
That couldn’t make the show
And couldn’t buy the tickets
So the fan club didn’t go
And so the falling star burned out
The pecking order banned
They say shit always runs down hill
Until it hits the fan
We look for strength in leaders
But hope they don’t repress
We want them to be confident
Yet to us acquiesce
We want them to be popular
But stand for what is right
We want them to be kind to us
Yet standup in a fight
We want them to be clever
But we hope they don’t deceive
To tell us what we want to hear
But say what they believe
Sometimes we don’t know what we want
A virtue or a vice
So whatever the outcome
Then a scapegoat’s always nice
Twelve Steps
Admit you are no better, but surely are no less
Believe that something greater a Divine spark did invest
Decide to see in self and all the nature of potential
Inventory attributes--not social differential
Confess your own deficiency, but improve as you should
Be open to progression, but don’t envy other’s good
Ask help when you lack strength to stand, yet kneel to assist others
List off two things your grateful for before one complaint mutters
Restore the confidence of all, when you yourself succeed
Continue to empower souls according to their need
Seek not the fallow honor of elitists which would flatter
Publish emancipation from their runged pretentious ladder
This blog is dedicated to offering daily verse--a thought to contemplate throughout the day and enrich the inner life. Poetry reaches into the heart in ineffable ways. Similar to music which speaks below the horizon of conscious thought, poetry represents the first shards of dawning. The splintered light that cracks the heavens to illuminate reality. Rhythm, rhyme, and reason dancing. Words, whispers, and wonderment flashing. Images, impression, and intellect converging. Such is the language of enlightened prose, and the oracle through which it pollinates the mind.