New Book Releases

Four NEW Book realeases by Joseph Ahlman: Lost Marbles, Being Different, You Don't Scare Me Dad, & Chameleon on the Glass.

All available in Two Full Color Versions. For more details visit:

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For the latest info on current projects that Joseph Ahlman is working on visit

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Is a king so different

From the subjects in his realm?

Does he not need to sleep or eat

When he is at the helm?

Does he not fear nor feel the pain

That every human knows?

If strong why does he need support

From underlings below?

So wherein is his kingdom

But as ours inside the heart?

For if ourselves we master

We ascend the throne apart

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Party Animal

Clean off your plate ye sycophants

There’s lots of pork still left

Never mind how it sits with you

Though ethics be bereft

The sickness in your belly

Is but conscience soon dissolved

So stuff yourself with party treats

Abet and get involved

Monday, March 29, 2010

Divine Favor

The man cursed like a sailor

But when he went to church

His demeanor was different

Though piety besmirched

The whispers of hypocrisy

He humbly endured

And prayed “Please God forgive me,”

“Though unworthy of your word.”

The refined patrons snickered

Casting jibes behind his back

Yet soon after he left

The lightning hit the chapel--Crack!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Counter Culture

I felt like such and outcast

Then found those that felt the same

We poked fun at the social sheep

And our own clique became

I then began to alter self

And give into concessions

Till bit by bit we turned into a group

Of grand pretensions

Whenever we draw circles

In the sand of our relations

We create a false barrier

Which thwarts illumination

Behind all social trappings

We are pretty much the same

The petty things that separate

Are man made to our shame

Divisions limit freedom

Which can impede heart’s dictates

For even proud aristocrats

Limit their choice of mates

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dog Pile

“Let’s get the vigilante!”

Whom they tackled to the ground

As others joined the fray that day

A heap of bodies mound

Till inciters were crushed beneath

The dog pile that they started

Such acts of condemnation--masochistic

And fool-hearted

Friday, March 26, 2010

Joe Public

What is this crackpot’s story?

Who does he think he is?

Sometimes he’s kind and quiet

Sometimes noisy and pissed

I never know what to expect

What makes this sucker tick?

Sometimes he wants to please me

And sometimes could give a shit

I’ll tell you all a secret

To discern the truth of soul

It lies within one’s motive

To bless or to control

If we want souls to love us

We alter all to please

But when we love them more than self

We do what’s best for these

Expressions of true love

Do not define such as pure pleasure

A parent scolds a child

But no ally could be better

For you to know this average Joe

And sentiments here subject

Consider what is good and true

And disregard Joe Public

Thursday, March 25, 2010


When in his room the door locked shut

He’d come out of his shell

Expressing all he had pent up

Like breaking out of jail

He’d look into the mirror

And sing like rock stars on TV

He’d standup to the bullies

And impress girls joie de vivre

This pent-up alter ego

Would express both light and dark

Exaggerating things repressed

Their contrast being stark

For when he left his room

He was quite quiet and reserved

Conflicted by desires

Between reticence and verve

The private self does not always

Express the truth of soul

Unless the psyche fragments heal

We can’t claim to be whole

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


My parents told me to “grow up”

My friends said I should “lighten up”

I’d like for them to both be pleased

But feel I’m cut off at the knees

My party said to voice opinion

Professors said I was their minion

It’s hard indeed to know my mind

When polling in a double bind

My children said I work too much

My banker told me not enough

To balance a check book isn’t hard

Compared to weighing both regards

My boss said that I was a winner

My priest told me I was a sinner

I asked myself if it were so

My conscience simply said, “You know.”

“You chase opinion in the wind”

“Yet rarely think to look within”

“For peace of mind you must appease”

“Your own heart to obtain release”

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The poor man forced to kiss his ring

Bit off the priceless jewel

The enmity between them

Life’s inequity had fueled

Yet both were full of bitterness

Of hubris, and greed

Though they expressed it differently

The same flaw was beneath

The poor man only thinks he’s less

When coveting such lucre

And chronic affluenza

Spawns a soul impoverished neuter

Yet those which know immunity

From envy and self-doubt

See not themselves superior

Nor inferior throughout

Monday, March 22, 2010

Home Work

Are we our formal learning?

Our intellect but fixed?

Our ceiling a diploma?

Home education nixed?

Are women told to mind the things

Of house and home alone?

And men instructed to aim high

And academics hone?

Are ethnic segments channeled

Into schools with a blue collar?

While others are compelled to join

Dad’s Ivy Alma Mater?

The forces that would stifle minds

Are overcome with ease

And come at a clear bargain

Charged in late library fees

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Polarizing Politics

There is a social sorting

Divisive and fallacious

Which forces choice of right or left

And mingles these mendacious

It’s hard to isolate the grains

Which finally tip the scale

For each soul prizes different things

And weigh minute details

It’s not always intelligence

Nor clash of good and evil

It’s not always firm certitude

Nor discontent’s upheaval

If any think they have a bead

On political truth

I have a plot of swamp land

At a bargain absolute

A soul so caged in politics

Shall judge others unfair

But how the tables turn

When of the Self, they’re made aware

Saturday, March 20, 2010


A child of God is beautiful

Variety is wide

As vast as all creation

Not narrow like the mind

If the Creator made all things

How dare we criticize

The differences herein ordained

And view ourselves in pride

What is this need to tell ourselves

Our belief's solely right?

By doing so we damn our own

Identity thereby

For we are more than sect or creed

These do not bequeath life

Nor do they fix obedience

Thus self can’t circumscribe

For though each soul is special

No partial love applies

The sun rises on every soul

And rains descend alike

Friday, March 19, 2010

Leaving the Nest

A family molds and nurtures

And provides a great support

Identity of members though

It can at times distort

The makeshift pecking order

That is present in the nest

Can long outlast sparse relevance

And progress can repress

A soul must spreads its wings

And leave such stigma in the past

For those that soar to heaven

Must release useless ballast

Thursday, March 18, 2010


The tomboy was a vital soul

But didn’t quite fit in

And so she sought belonging

In the outcast social fringe

The boy was called a pansy

Cause he liked the finer things

The pseudo macho posturing

Seemed absurd to his being

The brutal treatment he endured

Proved he was tough as nails

But all he ever wanted

Was for kindness to prevail

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Multiple Personalities

A person must play many roles

Upon the stage of life

From diction in the boardroom

To the dialect of jive

From daddy’s little baby

To the leader of her peers

From playing coy in front of boys

To politically austere

From piety on Sabbath

To partying at school

We play our part, and act our age

According to the rules

The situation dictates

The persona to the player

But who can find the real self

Hidden under many layers?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Bond

I spent the night in dreamless sleep

Awoke recalling nothing

Of hours spent in mindless rest

And then I thought of something

Does self exist in waking?

Is it constrained in mind?

Where does it go in times as this?

How does one’s self define?

Something endures, Something remains

Something of self spans time

When memory banks of mind are closed

And brain itself unwinds

How can awareness download

And deposit in the vault

Of mortals great encephalon

When thought grinds to a halt?

And yet the self stands vigil

And waits until the dawn

The spirit willing--flesh so weak

To forge soul in the bond

Monday, March 15, 2010


What if each brain were made the same

And interfaced to each?

We’d share our thoughts and memories

Our ideas and our dreams

We’d also share delusions

And confusion, and disease

And share each hellish nightmare

As a virus in the breach

And what if we could uplink

To the Omniscient mind

Would neurons overload

And crash synaptics as designed?

And what of our uniqueness

And our individual choice?

Would soul be self-determined?

Would the novel find a voice?

These questions I considered long

And then the virgin mind

The freshness of beginnings

And the purpose of this blind

For each brain is self-programmed

To a great extent we find

As Providence decreed

The soul could modify design